Posts by Mr. Michael
Storytime 2025

Join us for stories, songs, crafts and more!
Geared for children ages 3-5
Children must be accompanied by an adult during Storytime
Wednesdays at 10:30am
Storytime meets on Wednesdays, beginning after Labor Day in September through the first part of May. Storytime doesn’t meet if Cushing Public Schools are out or if there is inclement weather.
Please try to be on time.
Children can be easily distracted and late arrivals often become the focus of their attention! Also, kids arriving late might miss out on some key components of storytime.
Please turn all cell phones or pagers off or set them to vibrate.
Ringing phones are designed to be distracting! If you need to take a phone call, please take it outside of the Children’s Room.
Please stay with your child during storytime.
Storytime is a special time for children and parents/caregivers to bond. If your child is under 3 years of age, please stay with them at all times. If your child is over 3 years of age, please stay within eyesight of your child – kids can get scared or upset when they are separated from their parent/caregiver, and we want storytime to feel like a safe and fun time for them!
Please socialize before and after the program.
Storytime is a great opportunity for parents to meet other parents in the area. Parents are encouraged to come early or stay after storytime to chat with each other. During storytime, please help each other set a good example for the children by listening to the stories and songs.
Please listen, sing, dance, and craft with your child!
By participating, you encourage the children to join in the storytime fun! If your child isn’t interested in dancing or crafting, you can inspire them to try it out by taking the lead!
Please step outside for a moment if your child becomes restless or upset.
Taking a quick break will give the child a chance to calm down, and then you can both return to storytime ready to enjoy the next story and song. This will also help the other children stay focused on the storytime activities. If your child loses interest or needs to leave before the day’s full storytime session is over, please don’t be discouraged – toddlers have a limited attention span! Feel free to leave early, but please come back and give it another try the next week!
Please relax and have fun!
It is not expected that kids will sit still and participate in each activity! Children are welcome to enjoy the storytime experience whether they want to shake their sillies out or just watch the dancing.
Introducing OverDrive and Libby!
We are excited to announce that ebooks, digital audiobooks and magazines are now available at Cushing Public Library through OverDrive’s OK Virtual Library!
Libby, the reading app from our library, built by OverDrive
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read many of your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started. Learn more at Overdrive Libby.
Can’t download apps? Prefer to read on your computer? Our digital collection is also available using a web browser at
To sign in to Libby you will need
- an internet connection
- your library card number
- account password (default: last 4 digits of the phone number on your account)
If you have not set up an account password, or have difficulties logging in, please give us a call at 918-225-4188.
Robert J. Conley Literary Landmark
Thank you to everyone that attended the Dedication Ceremony for the Robert J. Conley Literary Landmark.
The Cushing Public Library is honored to be the home of the Robert J. Conley Literary Landmark plaque and to become the 16th Literary Landmark Location in Oklahoma.
The Robert J. Conley Literary Landmark plaque has been installed. The Landmark can be found inside the library next to the Reference Room and Circulation Desk.
We apologize for the audio quality and the echoing.
We would like to thank Evelyn Conley and family for all of their support in preparation for this event and for sharing about Mr. Conley with all of us at the ceremony.
We would also like to thank our Partners and Sponsors for helping make this event possible:
The Friends of Cushing Public Library
Friends of Libraries in Oklahoma (FOLIO)
United for Libraries
Cushing Public Library
Cushing Public Schools
To learn more about Literary Landmarks visit: