Friends of the Cushing Public Library

The Friends of the Cushing Public Library's Logo. A leafy tree growing out of an open book in black and white.

The Friends of the Cushing Public Library, Inc.

The Friends of the Cushing Public Library, Inc. is a volunteer-driven, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in October 2010. Our purpose is to support the library in their mission to Educate, Entertain, Enrich and Inspire.

Who We Are

We are volunteers that love the library and value the services it provides. We donate our time and talents to help library staff provide the best possible library services to the Cushing community.

What We Do

We provide support by fund-raising, promoting the library and its services and volunteering at events and programs when and where the library needs us.

Through various fundraisers and donations, we help the library expand its collection of books and materials, purchase equipment, and offer a wide range of FREE programs for community members of all ages.

Ways We Have Helped

  • Summer Reading Program, funding and volunteering
  • Early Literacy Computer
  • Die cutting machine
  • Library materials
  • Refreshments for events
  • Sponsored immersive book events including The Hobbit, Harry Potter and Prairie Christmas
  • Supplies, prizes and materials for numerous activities, including Storytime, Halloween Carnival, Crafternoon, Bicycle Rodeo, and more

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in our mission to foster a love for reading and learning in our community!

Membership applications can be picked up at the library Circulation Desk or at any of the Friends functions. Dues are $10 for one person per year (Jan-Dec) or $150 for a lifetime membership.


The Friends of the Cushing Public Library, Inc. meets at the Cushing Public Library on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm, unless otherwise posted.

Book Sale

We have used books available for sale year-round on the Book Sale Shelf at the library near the Circulation Desk.


As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Contact your tax advisor for more information.

Donations should be made to: Friends of the Cushing Public Library, Inc.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at: